Our eco-solvent direct-to-media and sustainable ink latex printers worked overtime supplying a variety of graphics for the 10 window display. The entire window campaign stretches the length of the west side of the central London department store and takes advantage of the footfall between Soho and Regent Street. Having such an amount of windows allows a campaign to work on multiple levels – as one-off windows, and as a whole, whereby passers-by, and window shoppers, can have their attention galvanised as they interact with each coherent campaign display message on route.
The windows designs involve many items constructed by the build team at Rule One including ladders, coins, handbags, boxes, casks, lipsticks and video screen supports. The Graphical Tree provided a host of campaign livery including –
3mm PVC cut-to-shape floral designs, money and game cards
10mm foamex cut-to-shape game roadmaps
Printed self-adhesive vinyl wall and floor floral patterns installed on the interior surfaces
and cut vinyl decals with messaging applied directly to the glass.