Talking business with Boris

by Simon McClelland Morris
Large format, Direct to media insights, Inspiration
Direct to media prints

Direct to media prints

Last Friday we were very lucky to have Foreign Secretary, and former London Mayor, Boris Johnson visit our Uxbridge production site. Mr Johnson is the current MP for Uxbridge. He kindly took up our offer of a cup of tea and to see first hand the business investment we're making in his  constituency.

Direct to media prints

Direct to media prints

The conversation, as we toured our West London unit, consisted of who we produce work for  and the  national capabilities of The Graphical Tree; the size and speed of our printers; employing staff from the local area; the current investment in Uxbridge with new businesses such as Coca–Cola and Primark moving in; and the wonders of digitally printed wallpaper and big lightboxes.

The wonders of wallpaper

The wonders of wallpaper

Direct to media prints

Direct to media prints

We're  pleased to say how open and friendly Boris Johnson is, taking time to say hello to staff and quick to establish a relaxed atmosphere to the visit.  He appeared genuinely interested in the company and large format print industry, and made a few useful suggestions for trade. Boris, your personalised  wallpaper prints are on the press now.