You could say we're in the graphics business. And you would be correct. But probably, and most importantly, we're in the people business.
That is, we're in the business of making life easier, friendlier, and hopefully, a little less stressful by your choice of working with The Graphical Tree. We feel that it's the people that make the company. Because although we invest in top equipment to produce the best graphics we can, although we've decided to place ourselves in the centre of London, offering customers and staff convenience, and an inspiring a local environment, it's equally important, if not more so, that we offer trust, peace of mind and a caring attitude through a first-hand people experience.
So much so that it's super important that we bring in the right people, with the right personality and ethos to work within the team – from account managers, to production staff, to installers, to delivery partners. We like to think The Graphical Tree staff are a reflection of us, the owners, friendly, approachable, and people you would like to work with (not for)
It goes a long way we feel.
In the age of remote working, pop-up offices and meeting spaces, and digital faceless interaction, The Graphical Tree is an open door.
You can't have a welcoming environment if there's a 'this is our space' mindset. By visiting our two London studios there's the opportunity to see the whole company – not just the project managers; not just the production team; not just the accounts team, not just our wonderful cleaner, not just the managing director; not just the company founders, all of us collaborating and working in a community together with you.
We're happy to make visible the labour and care that exists to make The Graphical Tree function as a collaborator, a consultant and as colleagues.
We know that once things become abstract in an environment, people can hide away. We don't believe in this approach. So by enacting these three C's –
it helps us to interact freely, in a friendly fashion; it helps us all to learn and explore; it helps us to get the best out of our a brief and job spec; the best from our working relationships, and hopefully affords us the best of days.
You can call any of us by our names
Yes, mutual communication. I always like to put it back on the people - this is a place where we respect each other, we respect each other's time, we respect each other's contributions.
Remember, no matter if we're a supplier to you, you're a supplier to us, or a contractor, a friend or a member of staff, you're considered a
a collaborator,
a consultant,
and a colleague
People work with people, after all.