One poster, double the message

by Simon McClelland Morris
Creativity, Eco, Sustainable print, Large format, Direct to media insights, Architecture

Architect Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, a neighbour of ours in Fitzrovia, approached The Graphical Tree with a request for some cut vinyl decals, and an eco-friendly, cost-effective 3D lenticular display which would be displayed in the window of their ground-floor exhibition space. FCBStudios has produced some pioneering work over the years and has been continually recognised by the architecture sector, including for the prestigious RIBA Stirling Prize.

The exhibition space already housed a very cool display structure made from wood, 3D-printed joining brackets and printed tracing paper. And they needed a piece of equal interestingness to be public-facing, and enticing, to those walking by.

Lenticular in this context relates to, and is a play on, 'lentoid': shaped like a biconvex lens; of or concerned with a lens or lenses ~ in this case you can see two images effectively in the same place by the way the eyes move across the subject.

How do we produce a 3D lenticular display?

While we don't mind sharing, knowledge, we don't want to give away too many trade secrets for this one. However, we can tell you that the two panels which made the lenticular, using different but joining messaging, were direct-to-media printed using a paper-based board, with V cuts taken from the front and back of the panel, to create the lenticular effect. Once it was all pushed together and taped in place, we applied another board panel to the back for rigidity and to allow us to mount it to the wall. Simple, right?

It was certainly a fun and interesting job to produce, and we're happy to help FCBStudios continue to inspire and shape the world around us in a progressive, sustainable way. Go and check out their exhibition space if you're in the area, at 20 Tottenham Street, W1T 4RG.

Come and see The Graphical Tree as well, especially if you have a fun and interesting brief for us to work on.