Large format print & display award winners (again)

by Simon McClelland Morris
Retail, Large format, Fashion, Inspiration, Visual merchandising insights

Drum roll, please... proud moment alert!

The Graphical Tree won two awards at the UK Graphic Awards this month.

The awards are an annual event for the UK's wide-format print industry. It both celebrates and recognises the talent and creativity that goes into producing an exceptional array of work, whilst acknowledging the impact the projects have on the broader commercial and social community,

Best Retail Window /  Harvey Nicols 2021 festive display.

Here's the awards feedback – "One picture is worth a thousand words, but if we had to use a word to describe this project, it would be - stunning! The Graphical Tree team managed to capture and create a truly magical Christmas experience for their client and all the passersby. Our judges also applauded the “contemporary approach to vintage techniques” that made these windows even more special 🤩"

Best Retail In-store Display /  Halfpenny London display in Harrods.

The UK Graphics Awards said about the work, “Stylish, exquisite, eye-catching and fashionable” - that's one way to describe the winner's project. Our judges were impressed with how well this team followed the brief and provided fully satisfactory results for the client.

Luxury brands and display graphics

We're super happy to have won and grateful to the judges and the UK Graphic Awards team for running the event. It's especially lovely to be recognised by our peers and the industry for our achievements.

Being involved in large format print and display projects for Harvey Nichols and Halfpenny at Harrods is a big deal, and you have to execute them perfectly. Working with luxury brands can sometimes seem extra demanding, perhaps because of the kudos and names involved. But honestly, we try our best to be perfect every time, for every client. There's pride in each job we do, especially when you get to see end results and receive glowing feedback. In fact, the Harvey Nichols windows have already won an accolade earlier in the year at the VM & Display Awards for the Best Christmas Windows in a Large Independent/Department Store.

Winning awards, or not, the large format print and display industry is an exciting sector to be a part of – it keeps pushing you to be better, greener and more inventive year after year after year.

As well as the two fantastic pieces above, you can find more projects on our Case Study page, and follow our latest work here.
Explore what inspires us and keeps us on the journey to being the best large-format print company in London.